Monday, July 09, 2007


I like Stifler! Is it his unconfined use of the f-bomb? No...well, maybe just a little. Is it his insatiable desire to SCORE? I can relate...but that's not it either. It's definitely not his exhaustive devotion to his own pleasure at the expense of everyone else around him!

But in spite of all of his flaws I still like him. I'm sure there are those that would (or will) be totally disgusted to know that I like someone so raw. Others that KNOW me would not be surprised at all. It may be a big surprise to know that I act different around certain people who expect certain behavior, but am more myself around others. Then again, maybe it's not.

And that's just what I like so much about Stifler...he's always Stifler. It doesn't mater who's around or what others get The Stifler. He's just one person unlike the two or more of me!

The Stifler and I have room for a lot of improvement, but there are also parts of us that are a little raw...not necessarily wrong... that just make us who we are. I'm tired of the game! Are you? I'll act like ME if you'll act like YOU. We can just kick it a little and have a good time while we help each other improve the parts of us that need improving and enjoy the parts that make us each unique creations.

Whadda ya say?

1 comment:

In the Den said...

Gee, I don't know. I kind of want to act like Steve.