Tuesday, February 20, 2007


A friend recently gave me a writing, The Waning Authority of Christ in the Churches, by A.W.Tozer. As I read this pamphlet I was amazed that something written over 40 yrs. ago could be so inline with what I've been feeling about the problems with the current "church" model in America. He basically compared Christ with the monarchy in Britain...symbolic. Only pulled out on special occasions and given no real authority. As I read I was literally nodding my head in agreement and smiling with the satisfaction that comes from having someone with "clout" mirror my feelings. This continued right up to the last paragraph. Then yet again Jesus smacked me across the face. OUCH! Will I ever learn? I was having another one of my pride moments. One of my weaknesses. The last paragraph was outlining the three basic responses that one will have to Tozer's observations. The first being outrage. Can you see my smug expression as I think of all the people I know in this category? Glad I'm not one of them! Then reaction number two. As I begin to read this point you probably could see me start to go pale. Tozer says, "Another is to nod general agreement with what is written here but take comfort in the fact that there are exceptions and we are among the exceptions." Uh-Oh! I've read enough of these type list to know that the correct reaction is at the end and not in the middle. I'm not nodding and smiling much at this point. Reaction number three states, "... go down in meek humility and confess that we have grieved the Spirit and dishonored our Lord in failing to give Him the place His Father has given Him as Head and Lord of the church." My family and some friends have taken some steps that some see as drastic and basically removed ourselves from any form of institutionalized church because we feel as Tozer did. I didn't realize until now that I was beginning to think along the lines of "what we are doing" instead of "what He is doing with us"! I was beginning to give Him that symbolic headship instead of the true authority that He deserves. Lord forgive my pride and take your place as the Head of my life and Your church. Help us to remain humble in You and strong for You.

1 comment:

In the Den said...

Dr. Tozer is one of the most painfully enlightening authors I've ever read. So, don't feel alone; you are in (not so good) company.