Monday, August 20, 2007

Look Out Hillary

Recent conversation in our bathroom...

Me looking in the mirror, "I'm feeling a little fat lately. I gotta start eating better and doing some kind of exercise." Turning to look at my wife I ask, "Do I look fat?"

She turns toward me and without any delay or break in facial expression she says, "Not from that angle."

It took a moment for my initial delight to sour and for me to realize I have a fat angle... and she's noticed!!

It was at this moment that I realized she may have a future in politics. What a great answer! She didn't lie but escaped the true question. Brilliant!!!

So guys, next time you hear, "Do these jeans make my butt look big?" Try, "Not from that angle." I'm sure it's the perfect answer for this question that has been the bane of man since the fig leaf. You try it first, I insist, and let me know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Not too sure how I feel about being compared to Hilary...

Anonymous said...

it's all those years of pedagogically evading children's questions.

Amy Lynn said...

All I have to say is if Daniel decides to give that a try, he is going to the couch!:)