Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Where to Next?

Disgruntle is the best word to use about my attitude at work lately. I was finally in the position and location that I've been working to achieve over the past few years (yes, years). Then out of the blue, I mean completely and totally unexpected, I get transferred to a new location. Still doing the same job, but in a place that is less active. Okay, disgruntle does not cover it, My piss was boiling! I had a great crew that knew their jobs and did them. I loved the location. I craved the action. I was happy, finally. Then the axe fell. Ouch! The salt in the wound was the fact that the person taking my place was there to get experience. He had been doing this job for approx. 2 years longer than me, but had little to show for it. So, because he was not producing the higher-ups decided to motivate him a little and help him further his career. I'm getting it done, he's not, and I get punished! I got the whole this is the best move for the dept. speech. WHATEVER! Anyway, I say all this to let you know I've been a real grouch lately. Had myself a real pity party. Then, a couple of days into the new location, I'm talking with one of the guys and we get on the subject of religion. We literally talked for hours. Things like which one is right, who's going to heaven, and why. It was great. He even stressed several times just how interested he was in all this stuff. Well sometimes I'm a little slow but I do usually get it eventually. This whole time I've been focused on ME, and didn't see the opportunities before me. The one's that really matter! I posted earlier about my true passion and how I wasn't sure the path that it would take me on but that I wanted to be a true disciple and follower of Christ and help others along the path. My focus was too low. The one Higher-up was giving me exactly what I was asking for and pretty quickly to boot. No years waiting on this one, and I was too busy wallowing in self to see it initially. Yeah, I know. I'm an idiot sometimes, but like I said I do eventually get it. I'm happy again! This actually goes beyond the warm and fuzzy happy feeling and into joy. If you've ever experienced true joy then you know the difference between feeling happy and experiencing joy. The satisfaction that comes from knowing you are doing exactly what you were meant to do in the exact location that you were meant to do it. The path to Christ may be straight and narrow, but once you meet him there it sure does get to be winding, twisting, difficult to see, and down right laboring in areas. In one word, EXCITING! I wouldn't have it any other way if I could. If you see a guy who's looks like he's wondering around unsure of where he's going, It's probably me following His lead. WHAT AN ADVENTURE!

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