Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pimping God?

Roland Martin was the guest host on Larry King Live over the Easter holiday, and he interviewed Paula White, Jerry Falwell, T.D.Jakes, and Rick Warren about what would Jesus really do if he was walking the earth today. I found a transcript of that show on It is a long article that I would recommend you read in it's entirety, but I just gotta share Martins closing statement.

He said: "Folks, I don't have a time to mince words. In 2007, enough with the people who pimp God. That's right. I said it, pimp God. Instead of focusing on the totality of Jesus, we have Christians who want to make the faith all about abortion and homosexuality. And then we have others who seek God as nothing but a spiritual slot machine. They say a prayer and down from Heaven comes a big house or a new car.
"Faith should be used to break down racial and economic barriers, not solidify them. Don't tell me Jesus would have embraced the sinners and you bar them from the church door. How can people say they love Jesus, but are afraid to speak to their neighbor, eat with a co-worker have their children play with peers across town?
"As we heard tonight, the Christian agenda should be broader than two issues. Let's stop with the nonsense that one political party has a hold on Jesus. We are called to speak truth to power no matter who sits in the White House. Christians, let's stop wondering what Jesus would do to make this world better. The question you need to answer is what am I prepared to do? "


In the Den said...

Wait a second. You do mean the journalist, not the fisher, right?

Clint said...

I guess the journalist since, I believe, the other guy is NOLAN Martin. As in "Strollin' with Nolan", but I really don't know who he is. Can anybody help us here?

Anonymous said...

Roland S. Martin is is a nationally award-winning and multifaceted journalist.

A nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate, Mr. Martin is the author of Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith, and Speak, Brother! A Black Man's View of America.
Mr. Martin is a commentator for TV One Cable Network also host of "The Roland S. Martin Show" on WVON-AM/1690 in Chicago. He can be heard daily from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. He is also a CNN Contributor, appearing on a variety of shows, including The Situation Room, Anderson Cooper 360, Lou Dobbs Tonight, and many others. In August 2007, he joined Essence Magazine as a special correspondent, writing a bi-monthly column and a daily blog on

Anonymous said...

Loved this blog by the way.

The U.S., in particular the Religious Right nutjobs, believe they have the corner on the market on God.

It's a train wreck I call Capitalism meets Jesus=Pimpin' God.