Monday, August 13, 2007


Read this story about a church that offered to perform the funeral of their janitor's brother until they found out that the brother (the dead one) was gay. Next you can read the church's statement, what ya think?


jamie b said...

I haven't read the articles yet, but plan to! :) I wanted to share this link with you and Amy:

Sounds interesting. She had a survey a couple months back that Matt and I participated in. We'll see what stats she comes up with!

jamie b said...

Ok, I read them now! :) I think that the church did the right thing seeing as to how the family wanted to show pictures of homosexual acts and to celebrate his lifestyle. I wonder if they offered to do the funeral without the pictures or homosexual pastor??? Ifso and they declined, then the church did the right thing by helping them find another location, provide food and a slideshow. Of course the media wants to make the church look bad! What do you think?

Clint said...

The first rumblings I heard painted the picture like the church knew all along that the guy was gay, but then bailed once it became known to all. That bothered me a little because it was like putting on "the Sunday face"...if ya know what I mean. After reading the churches statement I think they handled it very well. Their issue seemed to be the celebration of a lifestyle against God. They were not trying to present a self-righteous facade to the world like the story was first told. From my perspective they did everything possible to show love to a hurting family without compromising truth...but what do I know?!?

In the Den said...

See, I don't know.

I get that they didn't want to condone a homosexual lifestyle, but would they act the same against a boastful or rude lifestyle? Would they not host the funeral of a rock star or a deacon?

Furthermore, why is it ok to give support with our food and our money but not our precious building? Doesn't that do more to promote the "get cleaned up before you come here" mindset?

As always I wish to propose the question, "Why not?"

[A little devil's advocate there for ya'.]

Clint said...

In the Den,

"...but would they act the same against a boastful or rude lifestyle? Would they not host the funeral of a rock star or a deacon?"

LOL...which one is boastful and which one is rude, or was the phrase "boastful and rude" for both? I've seen that behavior from both. If we only do funerals for "good people" there would be a herd of morticians(all of them)looking for work, so I understand where you're coming from there.

As for the "precious building", it's just a building...right? But everybody doesn't see it that way. Even though we both know that our BODIES are now "the temple" and it has nothing to do with a building, most of the world hasn't quite grasped this concept yet.So, should we play along and respect their current beliefs until everyone gets the memo, or do we stand firm on what we know to be the truth and demand without compromise that others follow, or is the answer somewhere in the middle for now? Are we faced with the same basic situation that the congregation in Texas was faced with? Is this the same basic situation that the whole "church" is faced with daily?

I love to ask the question, "why", but I hate to answer it. There's not always one answer, sometimes there's answers. "Why" always leads to the next question, "but, why?". I haven't answered your question of "why not" because I can't without bringing up more questions...but you already knew that.

"[A little devil's advocate there for ya'.]" I need more little devils in my life! Isn't it obvious I've got enough without your help? ;)

I've made it clear that I don't have all the answers. I find great joy in the fact that God is too big for me to completely understand. I would love to hear others weigh in on this...not for answers...for more questions.