Thursday, September 14, 2006

On The Edge

I have friends who are trying to truly follow the Lord and are living on the "edge" with their faith. They are letting go of all the trappings of "religion" and just LIVING IT (the Christian life). Now some in the "church" we attend are making all kinds of accusations against them...from they're trying to steal members and start a home church to they're tithing to a former children's minister. It's all untrue and just proves to me how many "Christians" really don't get it. They think attendance and involvement in programs is the key. They don't ever seem to realize Jesus himself was on the outside of religion when he walked this earth. My friends are now experiencing what so many others have...HURT!!! And from those that are supposed to be supporting them. It breaks my heart. I know they'll survive and come out stronger, it's just sucks that the resistance is coming from friendlies. We have some guarantees when we follow Christ, one of which is that it will not be easy.

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