Friday, March 30, 2007


Sometimes I think too much. Very seldom do I make impulsive decisions. Often I think myself right into inaction. Of course this is one of my many flaws that I'm sure my wife can tell you all about. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think A LOT about many different things. One of my favorite subjects is God and the depths of His character that I will never be anywhere close to understanding. I had an experience last night similar to others I've had in the past that got me a thinkin' again. Here's the skinny on what happen. (My) Amy, if you're reading this you may want to skip the next paragraph.
We go to an electrical fire at one of these fenced in electrical sub-stations that belongs to one of the local power suppliers. We wait for a technician from the company to respond so that he can kill all that power (like a bajillion volts I think), we can put out any fire, and then go back to bed. He finally shows up and after we survey the situation he tells me he can handle it from here. We both go back to our own vehicles and then... WOOF! a giant fire ball erupts right where we were standing approx. 1 min. earlier. I'll be taking donations for the clean underwear fund. I had a very similar situation with an exploding propane tank on a forklift. Is this my punishment for all those horrible 'blew" eyes jokes I told as a kid after the first space shuttle exploded?
Did any decisions I made keep me from harms way? Was it the other guy's decisions? Was God looking out for me and influencing my decisions or the other guy's? Did it go exactly to God's plan or does He just allow us to do our thing and then make it all fit His plan? Could it have played out any other way? I guess I'm questioning how predestination plays into all this. I read Blink by Ted Dekker. In this book the main character could see multiple different futures based on the choices of individuals. Is this the way it all works? I'm really just curious. I know God is in control and ultimately it will be His will in the end. It's all this middle that fascinates me. Maybe I'm just over thinking it all. Like I said, I have a tendency to do that.

1 comment:

In the Den said...

Ooo, cool!

And good thoughts too. A.W. Tozer talks about all power really being God's power. (From our power to make choices to fire's power to erupt, I guess.) But, the "middle stuff" is a bit baffling (much like the spelling of the previous word).

I'm so glad I can't figure out God!