Friday, April 20, 2007

I see you...

On a previous post I mentioned how satisfying it is to escape yourself and find that the circumstances that you find yourself in are not always just about you. How when we remove our own expectations of what will make us happy and choose to recognize God at work, that is when we will experience true joy. Well, I'm still in the same where that provoked the original post, but it sure isn't feeling much like the adventure that it was just 6 months ago! For one thing, after that great conversation, there really has not been much more talk about all that stuff. There's been talk, but mostly the same conversation over and over again. No real progress. At least not that I can see.
Now 6 months later and the place feels like a prison. There's tension in the air. The more information I get, which is very sporadic and often hidden in other conversations, the more it becomes evident to me that there are issues here that I inherited. Lucky me. A dysfunctional family so to speak. I've been left to wonder why must grown men act so much like children. It is absolutely ridiculous. I'm being forced to be the guy I don't like to be (the hard- ass supervisor)! The worst part about this whole situation is that I'm being played as a fool by individuals that are supposed to be friends. I have been attacked. I hope no one out there ever has the privilege of supervising people that not to long ago were your peers. I can't believe they treat me the same way I treated my supervisors. The nerve of these guys!(Note sarcasm).
Of course I have spent many hours wondering why they act like this. Now once again slowly but surely I'm realizing that this is bigger than them and me. They're just being people. We all have our moments. Their actions are not excusable, but definitely forgivable. Especially considering the fact that if they are not in the dark, they are spiritually immature. Not that I'm mature, just a little farther down the road. I see this for what it is now. It definitely is an attack.
Just not from whom I thought was attacking. I was in a place of joy. I felt almost at one with my Lord. the relationship was moving forward. Then you, the enemy, stepped in to stir things up. The stategy worked for a while, but I'm on to it now. How do I keep forgetting that the other side will settle for misery if they can't have you completely. Well, I SEE YOU... and the LORD has my back! Game on!

1 comment:

In the Den said...

Game on, Clint!

I have been the supervisor of my former peers before, and it is a degrading experience. But, then again, I ended up marrying one of my employees.